onsdag den 29. juni 2011

Så er kjolen kommet!

Så er den skønne Abbey Dawn kjole endelig kommet, og den er rigtig flot!
Den er dog lidt for stor, men wtf..

Virkelig ring billed, men det var bare lige for at vise hvordan den sidder (-;

Friday Dawn

mandag den 27. juni 2011

St Tropez.

Gæt hvem der kom på besøg ved Av på båden? Ingen andre end hendes eks-mand Deryck Whibley!
Hun havde selvfølgelig et lille surfebræt, med Hello Kitty på, med.

Friday Dawn

Wild Rose!

Der har gået mange rygter om at Avril's nye parfume, skal hedde 'Wild Rose', og nu har Av bekræftet det. 'New fragrance Wild Rose almost done. Cant wait 4 U to try. One of the ingredients is inspired by French dessert, Creme Brulee :) xo' skrev hun igår på hendes facebook. Den udkomer vist i august, og det glæder jeg mig til.

Sådan kommer den vist til at se ud!

Friday Dawn

lørdag den 25. juni 2011

Sejltur med pigerne.

Av så super yndig ud da hun var ude at sejle med hendes veninder. Hun havde en polkaprikket bikini på, med blonder, som bare klær' hende super godt. Hendes hat var også bare helt i top!

Friday Dawn

torsdag den 23. juni 2011

Av sejler i St Tropez.

Avril slappede helt af med sine venner, da hun igår var ude at sejle.

Her ses Av så med en cigaret i hånden.

Friday Dawn

tirsdag den 21. juni 2011

Så har Avril fået vores breve!!

Dem fra bandaids mødte Avril, før MMVA og gav hende alle vores breve! Jeg håber sådan at hun har fået dem! Bagefter skrev Lavigne på sin twitter, "Loved seeing my #LittleBlackStars and @Avril_Bandaids in Toronto. My fans are amazing. Love you guys! xo" d:

Fællesbilled med Avril og bandaids.

Friday Dawn

mandag den 20. juni 2011

Avril på den røde løber!

Av så dødlækker ud da hun gik på den røde lber igår!


Interview på den røde løber d:

Friday Dawn :-*

MMVA snydder! O:

Justin Bieber vandt 'Ur Fave Artist' selvom frk. Lavigne fik flest stemmer! Ligesom Britney Spears fik flest stemmer, men det var alligevel Lady Gaga der vandt? Sikke noget snyd og p!s. Men så ved vi jo bare at Avril rigtigt vandt (-;

Nårh, Avril var alligevel fantastisk med sin optræden:

Love Av forever  <3

Friday Dawn

søndag den 19. juni 2011

Min Abbey Dawn kollektion :D

Jeg har ikke særlig meget fra Abbey Dawn, men jeg vil lige vise hvad jeg har :D

Det var mit første stykke Abbey Dawn, og den købte jeg på http://www.abbeydawn.com/

Det var mit andet stykke, og det købte jeg på http://www.ebay.com/

Mit tredje stykke, som har indbygget headset, og den købte jeg også på http://www.ebay.com/

Mine fjerde og femte stykke. De her to lækre sager købte jeg sammen, på http://www.abbeydawn.com/

Den sjette ting, købte jeg igår på http://www.ebay.com/ og jeg glæder mig SÅ meget til at den kommer!

Friday Dawn

MMVA er idag!!

Much Music Video Awards er idag! Jeg håber og krydser fingre for at Avril vinder 'Ur fave artist'! Hun skal jo også optræde, og hun vil synge What The Hell, og der går rygter om at hun måske også vil spille guitar til selv? Det bliver i hvert fald rigtig spændende at finde ud af om hun vinder!

Fra prøven til Avril's optræden ved MMVA.
Friday Dawn

Fans skypede med Av!

Nogle fans vandt en konkurrence inde på hjemmesiden http://www.avrilbandaids.com/, præmien var at skype med Avril. Her er hele "interviewet":

Hey everyone!!!

So we JUST finished the skype chat with Avril, and let me tell you, that woman is AMAAAAZZZINGGGGG.

*we have no pictures or videos. they were VERY strict about making sure we didnt record anything. Managment's request"

It started out with hello's, obvs, and then she proceeded to ask our names and ages. Jenna and I were wearing Abbey Dawn, and she was quick to point that out and told us we looked good in it

I told her everyone here at bandaids say's hello and sends their best wishes! She replied with, "Are you guys members of bandaids? That site is the best, they have their shit together!."

So then we asked a few questions:

1. Q: It's rumored you're touring North America in the fall, is this true?"
A: YES! I think it starts in October. *then she looked at somebody on the side for confirmation.* LOL

2. Q: What is your favourite song you have ever written, out of all 4 albums?
A: Im with you.

3. Q: You said you have enough material for two albums, everyone on bandaids is wondering what you are planning to do with them.
A: I already have 8 songs! I would like to release the 5th album really quick. This record was more mellow, and the next one will be pop and more fun again. I already have a song that I know is going to be a single, I just need to re-record it!

4. Q: We all know you are covering Airplanes, at the beginning of My Happy Ending. If you had to choose another song to cover on tour, what would it be?
A: Im not sure what it's called. Its one by Coldplay, its like "Lights will guiiiiiiidddee you hommeee". hahaha.

5. Q: Are you planning on having meet and greets on the NA tour?
A: Im not sure! It's really up to my managment and stuff! They take care of that!

6: Q: What song are you going to perform at the MMVA's?
A: What The Hell.

It was about 10 min long, she asked us what our fave songs off the record were, and where we were from, ect, ect.
She is really amazing, puts in a lot of effort to make her fans happy, that's for sure!
It wasn't many questions, but it was an experience Jenna, nor I will EVER forget!

lørdag den 18. juni 2011

Abbey Dawn støtter Japan!

"100% of the net proceeds of this product will go to The Avril Lavigne Foundation to support Mercy Corps’ “Comfort for Kids” program in Japan to provide post-trauma assistance to children following the Japan earthquake and pacific tsunami." Som der står ved køb af den nye støttetrøje, fra Abbey Dawn.


Den er både flot, også støtter den et godt formål. Cool!

Friday Dawn.

fredag den 17. juni 2011

Channel Islands Harbour, Oxnard with Brody Jenner d. 14 juni 2011.

Avril i sin rå kjole, og hendes høje nitter sko. Jeg synes at Avril så topsmart ud i det outfit!

Friday Dawn

Interview - M Music & Musicians magazine.

Hele Avril's interview med 'M Music & Musicians':

Avril Lavigne - A pop princess strips down her sound-and fights for her vision.
Goodbye Lullaby is Avril Lavigne's first new album in four years-and her most emotional effort yet. "It's not like I haven't gone there before," says Lavigne, who has sold more than 10 million albums since releasing her debut, 2002's Let Go, at age 17. "I've done that on some of my albums, but I was really in that place and wanted to go more in that direction." Ontario native Lavigne has always had a hand in writing her songs, including hits like "Complicated", "Girlfriend", and "My Happy Ending"-but she goes one better on the stripped-down new record, writing half the tunes on her own.

This album is your most acoustic-based yet. How did that develop?
I've always enjoyed doing acoustic performances. When I would do that with my previous songs that have fuller pop production, like "Girlfriend" or "Sk8ter Boi", I would end up singing them differently when they were stripped down. I like how that feels, so I wanted to make an album that was more about acoustic guitars and the vocal performance. You can do a good vocal take with a lot of these pop tracks, but the producer puts a lot of compression on it, and the character and tone can get hidden. I want people to hear the emotion.

What emotional vibe did you want?
The main emotion is bittersweet, a blend of happy and sad. The overall message is about life and its journey, moving forward and finding inner strength, being strong and getting through things. The album has a positive message, though. It's not negative at all.

What inspires you lyrically?
So much of it is from my life. I write about things I see my friends or family go through, things people in general go through. And then a lot of it is me. Actually it's mostly me.

Why did you write alone this time?
I've written songs on my own before, I just hadn't put them on my records. For instance, I have a song called "Darlin" that I wrote when I was 14 and put it on this album. I typically write on guitar but I wrote a lot of the songs on the piano at my house or on the road. I'd been playing a lot of piano on tour. But the overall process of this record was different. I worked in my home studio for the majority of recording, and took more time than I had on any of my other albums.

How long did recording take?
I worked on this album for about two years, so I've actually been done for quite a while. There were a couple of different release dates planned, but they didn't happen. I ran into a little fighting with the record company, because sometimes they come along with their vision. I said, "Um, hi, I have my vision, this is my life, my record and these are my songs. It's my name, and you can't tell me what to do. Do you write my songs? No, so you can't tell me how to do this."

Can you relate to the songs on Let Go when you sing them now?
I connect with them. I love them. I love to play them, and it's nice to go back to them. I've always put a lot of myself into my music, so it represents me, it was a part of me-and it still is. I've had this consistent message, without even saying it, of being a strong person and standing up for myself.

onsdag den 15. juni 2011

Avril og hendes fans.

Det jeg bare er totalt vild med ved Avril, er at hun bare elsker hendes fans, og bare gør så meget for dem. Det syntes jeg er vildt. For hun siger jo også selv "You guys mean the world to me", og ja. Jeg elsker bare at hun gør så meget for hendes fans, og elsker dem.

Friday Dawn

tirsdag den 14. juni 2011

Avril Bandaids - brev til Avril d:

Avril Lavigne skal optræde til MMVA's i år, og en 'fra' Avril Bandaids tager til Toronto, i Canada, for at høre Avril optræde, og måske møde hende personligt. Derfor har Avril Bandaids tænkt sig at lave en gave til Avril, fra alle hendes fans, med en Smile video, og nogle breve til hende fra hendes fans. Det er så meningen at de vil give hende gaven personligt. Hvis du vil skrive til Avril så gå ind på denne side!



Friday Dawn :)

lørdag den 11. juni 2011

Velkommen til Friday Dawn!

Hej og velkommen til min Avril Lavigne-blog.
Jeg er helt vild med Avril, og har en hel masse trøjer og plakater etc.
Så derfor vil gerne dele min interesse med jer, så i kan få nogle ideer til jeres Avril-besættelse!

God fornøjelse :-*