søndag den 24. juli 2011

Avril Lavigne poster flere billeder fra Abbey Dawn!

Der er sko, og tøj og smykker. Kan det blive bedre? nej...

 Avril i baggrunden ^^

 Av i baggrunden ^^

Jeg glæder mig SÅ meget til at det udkommer! 

Friday Dawn

Abbey Dawn photoshoot!

Abbey Dawn photoshoot! Yay!

Jeg eeeeelsker alle billederne, og glæder mig som en sindsyg til at det kommer! Hvis du ikke kender Avril Lavigne's tøjmærke, Abbey Dawn så smut ind på hendes hjemmeside og forelsk dig i noget af det super flotte, men seje tøj! Der er også til mænd (-;

Av taler om hendes stil.

Avril taler om hendes stil, om Abbey Dawn. Det er vist fra 'MuchMusic', tror jeg.

Friday Dawn

Avril Lavigne interviewed by Red.

Interview d. 28.03.2011 
Et gammelt interview, men det er rigtig godt så jeg syntes lige jeg ville lægge den herind!

Friday Dawn

lørdag den 23. juli 2011

Gone, Candy og Complete Me instrumental.

Yes! Endelig har jeg fundet en video der også kan ses i Danmark! Hvis det er rigtigt at de her 3 sange kommer på det 5 album, så er det da bare super cool! Også fordi der både er stille sange, men også vilde... cool!

Friday Dawn

Interview on Extra!! :D

Avril Lavigne taler om Abbey Dawn, hendes Foundation og en masse andet! Tjek interviewet ud her:

Avril Lavigne on Extra!

Friday Dawn

Interview - Terra Perú

Do you feel comfortable with your "punk-rock pricess" label?
(Laughs)That is the label a lot of people gave me, so it's a bit funny, but I don't really care. Rock princess, punk princess, whatever.

So, you don't really have a problem with that?
No. Really, I don't really think I'm punk by any means, nor my music. Definitely I'm closer to pop-rock, but I think my attitude and the way I see myself is what made the people label me that way.

You've got a lot of fans who have grown up with you, they were teenagers when your first album was released and now they are adults. Do you feel that you are still writing songs for them or are you trying to attract new audiences, like 10 years ago?
Yes, I feel some fans have grown up with me, and it's great because I've seen that people growing old. I definitely notice they are different now, and it's great.

So, there are two different audiences mixing together, the first generation and the new one.
Yes, I think so.

Even though you are promoting your last album "Goodbye Lullaby", you are already writing songs for your next album. How are you going on that? According to reports, you already have almost 8 songs ready.
Actually, those are songs that didn't make this album, already composed. From time to time, I write a songs while I'm on tour, but I normally wait until it ends to come back to recording studio. I'm working really hard right now, concentrated on my Southamerica tour, basically.

What about all those other things you do? Designing clothes, perfumes you promote.
I have a new fragance called "Wild Rose" and I also have a clothing line, called Abbey Dawn. It's all very funny, whether it's clothes or perfumes, everything is interconnected, it's all together and it's very good to not only do music, but also having other projects and being able to create.

Regarding the sound of your songs, I read you are focusing on romantic songs right now, with a calmer tone but you are planning to go back to more upbeat and rocker songs.
Yes, I think I have two different sides. I love the sound of a rock song and have fun with that, but I also love the sound of a piano or a acoustic guitar. I enjoy performing various type of songs. I feel that this new album, even though it has some more-pop songs, is a more intimate production, emotion-wise.

You are known for having covered some different artists like Metallica, Bob Dylan or John Lennon, did you plan to perform some?
Yes, I'm not sure, sometimes I decide it at the last minute, just at the concert, so I don't know. But I'm going to play songs from my old albums, my new album, different singles and hits.

So, your fans can expect anything in your show?
Yes! It's all about the music, me and my band, a revision of all my songs, so go!

Friday Dawn

onsdag den 20. juli 2011

Flere datoer, tak!

Nu er der kommet flere datoer, til The Black Star Tour, så smut ind og se dem på www.avrillavigne.com :D

Friday Dawn

torsdag den 14. juli 2011

Interview - eTalk

Interview med Avril:

1 del:
2 del:
3 del:
4 del:

Friday Dawn

Så er jeg hjemme d-;

Jep, jeg kom hjem i nat kl. 2.00. Men jeg orker altså IKKE at skrive om alle de opdateringer med Av, for der er altså FOR mange!! d: Men jeg tager afsted imorgen igen (hvis jeg bliver rask), så jeg kommer nok ikke til at skrive før i næste uge ):

Friday Dawn

p.s. Der er kommet noget nyt Abbey Dawn tøj, så smut ind og glug det!

lørdag den 2. juli 2011

Bornholm, her kommer jeg!

Jeg tager til Bornholm imorgen, i 10 dage UDEN computer - forældre tvang - og kommer ikke på i laaaaaaang tid. Heller ikke på min anden blog, myfridaydawn.blogspot.com
Jeg håber i har en god ferie, og får hygget jer meget.

Friday Dawn